Interim Banana

BLL is not just entertaining it’s got the same -- can’t explain it. It’s him though, he leaves his mark. A stillness. A mood. Every scene is weighed and measured by it. I loved it.

Just think of the storyline possibilities stemming from Serena, one of the architects of Gilead, joining the attempts to overthrow the regime from the outside, providing information that would raise awareness and boost the international resolve to go against Gilead. It was even foreshadowed by that CIA agent’s

I was genuinely surprised June didn’t ask Serena to come with her, or that Serena didn’t ask to come. That’s the ending I thought was coming for this season.

Kinda seems like you’re the one trying to initiate a pity party, so let me be the first to offer my condolences to the sex who experiences, and perpetrates, the majority of violence in our society.

Was “call her Nichole” not supposed to sound like some sort of Stockholm Syndrome madness? I don’t get it. Serena quite recently helped violently rape June. She has shown her extreme cruelty. She has beaten her. Yeah, she was un-shitty for a few moments to relinquish the (someone else’s!) baby, but she doesn’t deserve

Reminded me of mid-series LOST. Once they get off the island, someone always wanted to go back. “We have to go back to the island!” I was always, “Why? You got off! Help the people there from afar now!”

I think Fiennes is great. He played the role ambiguously at first, when they thought there might only be one season. I remember the possible sympathy in his character, and then the horror of realizing what kind of self-deluded monster he was. Whitford is still in that ambiguous phase, when they don’t have to make him

I thought it was very powerful that June gave birth on that posh living room floor, on the expensive carpet, in the room painted teal. A Commander’s wife would have pantomimed the experience with her friends playing the harp and feeding her grapes, but June had the real experience alone, in all its effort, blood and

I’m with you! Even if they are only hoping for a more appropriate 5 seasons out of this, not 10, at least 2 have to be spent trapped in Gilead’s everyday life prison. The progress people are yelling for will be almost instantly disappointing like how boring it is when Ross and Rachel are together. The nature of the

I also thought it was interesting the wolf was black, a color that was going to stand out and probably make the animal more at risk against the white of the snow. In that way, s/he is more like June in her red handmaid uniform, meant to stand out and be at risk. 

You can zoom in on the picture in this article and see two of them clearly.

Agreed. I don’t get why people have so many ideas about what “should have” happened and can’t enjoy the story as it’s being told to them. I think it’s overall just brilliant and don’t waste time questioning every minute detail. Why can’t folks just suspend some disbelief and just enjoy the ride. Every other commenter t

Because that is what man has done to their slaves for hundreds and thousands of years - renamed them. As Atwood herself said, every atrocity in the book wasn’t her own idea per se, it was based upon crimes against mankind that have already occurred throughout history. The “ofs” May sound stupid, but that is where

Don’t forget the whole “repeatedly raping her” thing.

and stole her baby and are letting her baby practically die of neglect. She’s doing amazing considering everything she’s been through

“Janine is still the dumbest handmaid in the Universe.”

I think you have to leave aside what the capabilities of Gilead’s army is vs. other’s - we don’t really know. Yes they drove out the U.S. Government but was that because the army was peppered with Sons of Jacob? Are the Navy and Air Force in Hawaii and Alaska they just don’t want to kill innocent civilians? We don’t

The girl-power closing credits music was fine the first time or two but it’s jarring considering the continued bleak circumstances. It would work more powerfully if used more sparingly.

Keep in mind the nutjobs who now control the U.S. have access to ALL of its military weaponry, surveillance and counter defense measures. They’re not just a bunch of yokels at a retreat. They’ve used nukes on their own soil, of COURSE they’d launch them against any nation that attacks.

I loved the Canadians constant, subtle acts of disapproval and hatred of Serena, Fred, and all they represent. “I used to visit the States...with my husband.” “My passion is my work.” “We’ll take the next elevator.”