Interim Banana

I never noticed this myself but learned it from the BCS wiki page:

Best I can figure is Chuck’s comment to Jimmy that Jimmy with a law license is like a chimp with a machine gun. Maybe Kim just no longer trusted herself to wield that power.

Just an incredible episode. I did a BrBa rewatch after the midseason finale and was surprised at how much distance remained between BCS Jimmy and BrBa Saul in terms of the latter just being an utter scumbag. I questioned if they were going to be able to narratively bridge that gap in a way that made sense. And then

Tarrare has one of the best pages on all of Wikipedia.

It’s not spoiling anything, her death is the entire premise of the show and revealed within the first few seconds of episode 1.

The song is “Motivation” and came out in 2011

Also that Kelly Rowland song came out 12 years after that scene was supposed to be taking place...

Man I wanted to love this. I’m a Mann fan but the bottom third or so of his filmography is *rough*, especially when it comes to dialogue and casting, and unfortunately that’s where this show seems to slot in. Definitely more Blackhat than Insider. I’d never heard of Elgort before this but agree with the commenters

Seyfried’s performance alone justifies the show’s existence. Just absolutely crushed it. She deserves all the awards.

Definitely recommend the HBO doc. What she did was foul...and yet somehow not malicious? And certainly not a crime under the statute she was charged/convicted. Very difficult case to understand.

20+ years ago I saw an event just like this in the PNW. My friends and I immediately ran to go turn on Art Bell and sure enough he was talking about it within a few minutes. Turns out it was space junk re-entering. Regardless, a very ‘90s evening was had by all.

Considering Boomers were the generation most responsible for electing Trump, I’m not sure that moral compass is functioning all that well? Still, nice to see yall still have your moments.

Totally man, I too think that people who narrowly miss achieving something that literally no one in history has ever done are irredeemably weak failures.

I know right, she couldn’t even get elected president of a country so sexist that it chose a serial rapist instead, what an ineffectual loser.

I really enjoyed this. Downton was one of my favorite shows so I’m here for another workout of that formula, in another interesting historical time and place, with a superior cast even. I don’t even mind the regressive elements of Fellowes’s sensibility, I just love the gentle, low-stakes nature of his shows, and how

My school banned them because they became a class status symbol and made the kids from less well-off families feel bad.

Earlier Lottie had said “Something’s coming” and the camera immediately cut to Shauna’s baby bump. In the moment I thought it was definite foreshadowing of Shauna miscarrying and the girls eating the fetus...but yeah that’s hella dark.

Can I just say that the author absolutely nailed the tone here. When the subject matter is at this kind of elite level, the writer need only stay out of his own way. The cheerful neutrality just slayed me.

Homeland is indeed a cautionary example but I’d argue this show is already ahead of Homeland S1, which was good because the excellent cast managed to elevate some highly questionable material. Then it immediately became terrible after S1. Anyways, fingers crossed Showtime at long last manages to make a good show for

Just to say, I didn’t get the same contemptuous vibe from the ending as the author did. Loving this show though. Has to be the best Showtime show of all time, non-Twin Peaks division, right?