Interim Banana

Something about the initial shot of Miriam from across the road made it look like she was wrapped in plastic. Got my heart racing in a bad way.

Bobby Briggs as a character and Dana Ashbrook as an actor are both light years ahead of where they were in the original show. Almost all the acting in The Return is stellar really, including returning cast like Ashbrook and Beymer who were really pretty terrible in the original, though I've always thought that Lynch

Seriously overrated show. Justin Theroux doesn't have the chops for that role, plus his character always struck me as pretty unpleasant and rude. I would've quit after season 2 if 3 hadn't been the final season. It was one of those shows I just kept watching because I didn't know what the hell was going on and vaguely

I think Chuck was verging on suicidal and knew Jimmy would check in on him once he heard about HHM, so he put on a show for Jimmy much like he did for Howard earlier. Once that was done he felt free to descend into the abyss that was beckoning him.

The Night Of was hot garbage, can't believe it made the list.

I agree, I thought it was good enough but I don't get all the accolades. Cuba Gooding still can't act and Sarah Paulson is highly overrated as well IMO, neither one of them were convincing to me.

Yeah idk, I don't have much faith that the takeaway is going to be that undergrad-type alienation is not a sign of superior intellect. All the characters are so pointlessly young, like there's literally no reason for the Wellicks and the FBI agent to be that young other than to relentlessly market to millennials - and

Writing characters that are supposedly smarter than everyone around them is a tricky thing that can easily go wrong. Walter White was written as a selfish monster with a really interesting character arc. Elliot is just written as a badass for snotty college kids to project their own wish fulfillment fantasies onto.

I find her extremely stiff with no emotional range. Same with Doubleday.

This show is becoming a hatewatch for me. The "STEM master race" thing has always been annoying. No one other than Malek can act. The FBI agent is so poorly written and unconvincing. It just feels like a kids' show dressed up with prestige trappings.

There's really no reason to watch seasons 6 and 7. If I recommend the show to others I'll recommend they stop after S5. It definitely had its moments but the plotting was always so sloppy, so many stories that went nowhere and characters that disappeared. The show was saved by its remarkable cast and the audacious

Better in my opinion. I often found Todd's reviews rambling and self-indulgent or I'd disagree with his interpretations or think he was missing the point. Teti consistently brings up points that leave me really impressed and enrich my understanding of the show, and he does so in a much tighter and more approachable

Nice, that was one of my favorite shows and I've been meaning to re-watch it. It'll be awesome to have Teti's writing to go along with it.

I just want to say how thankful I am for these reviews by Teti - they're excellent and they always make connections and point things out that I would miss otherwise. Honestly some of the best critical writing I've read.