
I just sat through four minutes of bagpipes waiting for the whales to start "jamming out." They did not.

Off topic: can we have tags back on posts,please? it's hard to tell (especially on mobiles)from the headline if it's Dirtbag or a short little article or something serious.

That was totally just because your pain was delicious.

Well, as a Canadian you would be the expert on the flavor of American buttholes.

Watching this thing talk gives me the creepz...can't help but think of this nightmare from my childhood

Packers have always had a way with young kids.

Who wants me to (with a fake email address, obvs.) contact them in the name of investigative journalism?

Considering the possible ramifications of going to a movie in Colorado, the first person I'd invite is my shooting guard.

"No perc? Well, I don't care that I wasn't invited, either."

Europeans in the 60s were less uptight about these things than we are. Go figure.