
What are we s'posed to use, harsh language?


…and IMHO, Elie Kendrick is cute as a button.

Meera Reed is a female.

Well, obviously a wizard did it!

Yes, yes it is.

Yep, ol' painty cans Neddy.

A former PM once described the opposition leader as "All tip and no iceberg"

You say that like its a bad thing.

In Gaad we trust

Frank and Alycia are really Phillip and Elizabeth Jennings out to steal the new guidance system.

She did the nasty in the past-y?

There was a mop and bucket in the corner as they came down the stairs, they're used to this sort of thing.

Hink Dinky really exists!!!!

but cartoons are based on plagarism. If there was no Phil Silvers, we wouldn't have Top Cat etc, etc.

Not for all the apfelstrudel in Gluckenschlagen!