interesting pudding

That show somehow managed to have an afterlife in my home… I find myself asking my kids "How are yooooooooooouuuu?"

Is it just me, or does that picture of her look like she's trying out for the lead role in a biopic on Chelsea Clinton?

Mutiny on the bounty's what we're all about!!!!

I've gotten my kids into quoting Best In Show after we just watched it a few days ago (their first time, I've seen it before.) Recent examples…

Or the one time when Artie is talking to his Hispanic maid…
"Caca de caballo!"

"That's a big twinkie!"
Isn't that one from Ghostbusters?

"Shut up and sit down, you big bald fuck!"

"Boy… You got a panty on your head!"

I gotta admit that while Kevin Kline does seem a bit douchy at times, he TRULY earned the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance in this movie!

"Hello, I'm Harvey. Harvey Man…fren…ten…gen…sen…"

LemmeHollaAtCha! LemmeHollaAtCha! LemmeHollaAtCha! HollaHollaHolla! HollaHollaHolla!

"I could eat a knob at night…"

The melody is actually based on some Hungarian folk song, which is quite ironic considering that Hungary has had a long history of anti-Semitism.

"yeah, you better believe that shit goes to 11!" - David Blaine Tufnel

That story in itself would make a great Twilight Zone episode!

For me it's Trainspotting. I saw the movie before I even heard of the book, and I'm glad I did. It helped me understand the book better. I can't imagine trying to figure out what the fuck everyone was talking about if I hadn't seen the movie first, even though there's a "Weegin - English" glossary in the back of