Ah I forgot about that "R", thanks.
Ah I forgot about that "R", thanks.
I like all VW-R cars, even the R50 (r.i.p), but don't they all have 4-motion/awd and a bit more power than the FWD gti models?
That's the recipe right?
NSFW warning, djeezus !
Not everyone can be like Alisa Camplin. She broke both ankles SIX weeks before the games. (Warning: Onions might be chopped during this video).
So true. Thanks for spelling it out in near poetry, haha!
Congrats guys!
R'amen brother.
Lovely car, thank you.
The rich hangout in Fort Lauderdale and the wealthy hangout somewhere else..
Never implied you weren't ;)
Yep, London is hilarious when it snows (even a centimetre), everything stops. The city's government refuses to acknowledge its latitude winter after winter.
I type these words as part of my weekly sanity schedule. It works, I'm now married and in a fairly stable life, piling up dreams.
A fantastic great lovely record. I haven't met a Jalop who isn't interested in rally.
He has a lot more exposure globally than many NBA and most ice hockey sport stars (who already rake in millions each per annum) so a 300k car or two isn't too excessive. He also uses them to drive between events and training sessions, I think that's pretty neat :)
No, you're well informed.. he was a brick layer in summer and a ski instructor in winter before hitting it big. Most Austrians have seasonal jobs.