
Walnuts are garbage compared to pecans! They’re like...the Brooke English of nuts. If we are to continue a Pine Valley theme.

For real, I thought we all kinda assumed David was a rebound from Mohamed that just kinda got away from her, right? Like, she just accidentally let herself go too far with this putz and just decided to steer into the curve for some reason. It’s okay, Yo. You’re still my #1 housewife!

I didn’t know this was a thing, and now I do, and I’ve done it, and thank you!

Didn’t Yolanda want to start a cheesy lifestyle brand or something when she first joined the RHoBH? I feel like she’s a person with actual direction, however dippy for a housewife. So, I don’t think she’s fakin.

For what it’s worth, I have zero interest in anything Marvel and only checked it out because I adore Krysten Ritter and ended up loving the whole series.

“Maybe if you weren’t such a snob, you’d have some friends.” I believe I was 11.

Another devotee of your beauty box reviews. Simply the best. You introduced me to Amor Naturals, which is I think my overall favorite at this point! So appreciative of all of your reviews.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to die without Brandi’s beauty box reviews. If anybody cares! Sob.

Um, I need this please thanks.

And I love how she says her tagline with her classic Shannon Beador unhinged, manic, warbling exclamation.

I repeat myself, but: Her teenage self rode her horse to the drugstore to buy makeup. How could you not love her after that story?

I loved it when she said her diet in her younger days was a scooped bagel, a Diet Coke and a cigarette.

It is so perfect. I treasure Heather Dubrow.

Heh, that’s how I read it, too.

Her face is starting to look like a Maloof hoof. All tight structured leather with high angles and bedazzled to the hilt.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The entire season is worth it if only for the story about a teenage Shannon Beador and her horse.

She won me over completely with that story about riding her horse to the drug store to buy makeup as a teenager.

I miss Jenna. My favorite moment of the entire series was when Hanna slapped the sunglasses off her blind face. That and her creepy flute playing.

My old boss got shingles and said it was the worst pain he’d ever experienced..

Floratta in Blue - O Boticario. I have to consciously stop myself from overdoing it every time I put it on, because I love it so.