
Can the people no longer tolerate unique viewpoints? Is intolerance the defining characteristic of our age? Remember my fellow video-game enthusiasts, you can only celebrate diversity when you allow it to exist. Diversity is our greatest strength and a cornerstone of freedom.

Thanks Mordaedil, you might be alright after all.

The Democrats have full ownership of ghettos and the destruction of the black family unit. Trump believes in equality and he believes in the American dream of a place where people are free to live without the tyranny of government or foreign actors meddling with our freedoms.

You are speaking as the establishment. This is all new territory for liberals. You are defending a DNC that no longer exists. This is not Democrat versus Republican. This is globalism versus populism.

That is the agenda but you are wrong on one aspect. Governments don’t do anything, people do. Certain political agents and parties would like to confiscate all guns. This is not a secret or a conspiracy.