
One thing i've yet to understand is why xbox players approve of this, and yet disapprove of the wii. It's the same dam concept. Original material would be nice, but i highly doubt that microsoft can deliver.

What is with the flashy and the linux? Linux is supposed to be dull and boring.

"Use a Virtual Machine or Sandbox to Test Software"

Or you can give your child a shovel, toss him out in the snow and tell him/her it builds character.

What is the point of eye candy? You're probably the only one who is going to use the computer.

I wouldn't mind the high price for my internet, if only i got decent customer support. Every time i call my isp with a problem, they tell me to reset my router. Hell that can solve some problems, but not all of them.

Sad to see that the desktop doesn't live up to the rep of the actual movie.

No, i refuse to support anymore products endorsed by apple.

So anything we don't buy from amazon comes from santa right?

Oh my fing god, 2 handjobs for under $5!?

The sad thing is, thunderbird is still under-hyped.

$45 for this?

Yes! Let's keep on riping shit from the wii.

I wonder how much porn is watched on a daily basis....

@sugardeath: You don't, besides tons of people use I.E. simply because it's built into windows.

Why do you need chrome on a linux distro? Firefox comes bundled with most linux distros, i see no reason to install another internet browser.

Or you can just use limewire

I really do like thunderbird, it's lightweight and the gui is alright.