
Yo, maybe he doesn't like you. But you can't know unless you ask him out and see what it says. You can't get rid of a crush except by cutting off contact and that seems like a silly thing to do if it is only based on the fact that you are worried he won't like you back.

Wait, he texted you at noon and you did not respond?

If you haven't read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you haven't lived.

Warning: unhappy material to follow.

Clearly I have not done enough research into hyphenation.

How? How does that work? Do I just super gnarly hair or something? I can use a razor, like, two times. Max.

The Congo line of surnames! I love it.

I totally see where you are coming from, but the problem is that the vaccine only lasts for a few years. That means that if, as an adult, you ever have an extended period of time without medical insurance, you might get infected and, obviously, the results can be brutal as an adult.

Wait! How?

I really like hyphenation... but that's a temporary solution.

They've done studies where men who are given porn to watch vs. other videos and people in the former group are more likely to view things like, say, rape as totes fine and women are idiots immediately afterwards. So at least the former. Probably both.

When your heart rate rises?

It's funny. You're fine.

Freshman 30 for the win.

I believe the idea is "No matter what I wear, and how sexy it is, you don't get to rape me."

WATCH IT! Are you kidding?! It's so good! It's more psychological than most horror movies, which is why it starts on the slow-ish side. If you want someone to be super creeped out, you can't just have something jump out from the closet.

Hating smokers and hating things about smoking are really different things. Also, she didn't ask to be the featured thread.

Nowhere near there, unfortunately.

When I was in 6th grade I went as a cereal killer. I bought one of those Costco packs of mini-cereal and pasted the boxes all over my body with plastic knives in them.