
If he had written the same letter without the PETA association, I would have loved him way more.

Strange. I had to watch a FOUR HOUR (!) training video about HIV/AIDS and they never once mentioned that it was caused by two boys or girls in love.

At what point should one consider consulting someone about disordered eating?

Oh hey. I was creeping to find this conversation based on what you posted on Groupthink. Looks like I inspired this ridiculousness!

These needs to be like a series. The "how not to harass people" series.

"I'm not ashamed for anything I have either said or done with them."

I thought that my quote was so much more clever than it turned out to be when I went through and read all the comments.

"Curiously enough, the dolphins had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Earth and had made many attempts to alert mankind of the danger; but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to punch footballs or whistle for tidbits, so they eventually gave up and left the Earth by

For those of you who are saying that the institution should be sued or lose their license or whatever:

I really hesitate to get mad at the institution, though, because I encountered a really similar situation at the residential treatment facility for kids with behavioral problems where I worked at over the summer. If a kid wants to get a facebook, there's not much you can do save lock them in their room.

I really hesitate to get mad at them, though, because I encountered a really similar situation at the residential treatment facility for kids with behavioral problems where I worked at over the summer. If a kid wants to get a facebook, there's not much you can do save lock them in their room.

Aw. You were unstarred for this? I am not sure I agree with (or what I think about this issue) but that seems pretty extreme...

Maybe. But I'm pretty nice about it. Until they start calling me a bitch for saying anything.

...If ibuprofen was prescription-only, I would never have discovered it. Pre-birth control, my periods would cause me so much pain I would vomit and pass out every month. Without ibuprofen? SHUDDER!

Personal experience says confronting men about sexism makes them assholes.

Sharks, being awesome, give live birth.

As if I wasn't weepy enough already...

I am seriously shocked at how many of y'all think that elective C-sections should not be covered by insurance.

And that is the exact speech you should give to a women right before you offer her a (n informed) choice about what she wants to do with her body.