
Without You There Is No Us is a touching tale of a woman who travels to North Korea to find answers ... and ends up finding herself, and a steamy new romance!”

By that logic, elocution would mean politely talking somebody to death.

I read this book. I thought few books captured how censored and boxed in foreign workers are in North Korea in terms of witnessing everyday life. They try to see life through these tiny cracks; she even talks about the malaise. I think she may have been a lot more accurate than most foreign writers over there— I think

Re. monkey glands

Ah, he should only have to apologize. “My bad, sorry I harassed your throat with my hands. We good?” and then everything’s hunky dory.

I hate to tell you, but this happens with everyone. So I’m a cop, and I’ve dealt with a lot of domestic violence. At this point, I arrest the aggressor and I know nothing will happen regardless of skin color or how much money they have. Without giving details obviously, but a guy choked and beat his wife, probation.

I feel like she has more to gain from this relationship than he does because it distracts from the Kayne video and changes the narrative of the CH breakup.

I had no idea “criminal obstruction of breathing” is a thing. I would think that obstructing someone’s breathing on purpose would be attempted murder or something.

I live in Lansing and boyfriend and I have been looking for a good church for him to attend. Previously my stance on church is that I attend with him only on Easter, but I could see myself coming more if I can get high and stare into space during the service.

In Germany gun permits are only valid for 3 years and people applying for one have to go through a test to evaluate their character/sanity and their need for a gun. A person must be at higher risk than the general population and a gun has to be a reasonable tool for minimizing that risk* to be deemed as in need of a

I had outfits more conservative than this publically picked apart by bitchy managers at my last job

Thank you! I must give credit for the inspiration to my neighbor’s bunny, Daisy, who I am bunnysitting this afternoon, and who relieved herself on the floor as I was penning my response.

“Shaken to the core (almost)” by a pink dress, huh? I think this person is (almost) too fragile to be watching any TV at all.

The communion wafers, such cottonmouth.

Lol that’s what my sister did to me when i was all fucked up from a tornado. She lives for this shit, so she was giving all of the news outlets my phone number after they contacted her asking if they could use the photos i took that she posted on social media.

Oh he’s a liar for sure but if you watch him speak, see his actions and such, he really seems to be off. He has always been a complete dick but if you watch his speeches from the 80's and 90's, he didn’t blather senselessly. Now he goes on wild tangents and forgets to come back to his points. Half his speeches are

This is how I go up a latter...

Is it just me, or does Oprah fall for every trendy bullshit idea that comes along. Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, every diet fad ever, “The Secret”

I was just going to say, if he could con Oprah into doing this, what chance do normals have?