instant prince whippet

Why this wasn’t posted at 2:32 PM i’ll never know.

As a current Houston resident living in the mess that Harvey created, I can honestly say I was looking forward to this as a way to brighten my mood and get me to laugh. I feel for the people suffering around me and completely empathize, but I needed something to elevate the mood. Drew did not fail.

Houston resident (not a Texans fan), loving this. I have to put up with enough of JJ Watt’s face every time I go to HEB that this feels like catharsis.

I agree with Daniel’s opening letter. Drew, your WYTS has replaced the Sports Illustrated NFL preview issue (for me, right up there with the swimsuit issue for must have every year) as the surest sign that football season is near. Please never pull any fucking punches even if a city is half underwater. I for one need


The scene is January 2002. I’d just moved to rural Pennsylvania from Washington, DC...

I can tell the Jags aren’t a real nfl team because they were featured yesterday and everything thought Drew just skipped a day.

That’s because us Bears fans is good at makin our points short, sweet, and a lil bit spicy

I can tell you didn’t get many letters for the Rams since they were all longer than yesterday’s entry of the Bears where the letters were short bursts.


I should save this for Monday, but it seems appropriate now.

I was on the fence about the star, but that last line got me.

My favorite part of the Niners’s downfall is it’s entirely self inflicted. They drove out a good coach who had a good quarterback (who was benched and pushed out) and they fucked up a perennial good team with lots of talent (and young talent!) to this disaster. They had what was quite literally the perfect situation

Can’t wait to see what this lil’ guys celebration is.

This screed is ten times better when read in Peggy Hill’s voice.

Yeah, fuck you, Dave!

Boy, you really pissed off JJ Watt.

this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.