Boars are terrifying. Ask Robert Baratheon
Boars are terrifying. Ask Robert Baratheon
This right here is why Luke Skywalker is my favorite character in all of Star Wars media (and I’ve read way too many of them). I hope the new movies don’t lose sight of who he is: he’s the great redeemer, the guy who found good in one of the galaxy’s greatest monsters. He’s the greatest hero in the history of the Star…
I thought Mass Effect 3 had overall great romance storylines, arguably the most mature of the series. Unless you’re specifically talking about the new characters, in which case I’d agree, they were pretty forgettable. But Liara, Garrus and Tali all had very nice romance storylines in my opinion.
I completely misread that as “the Force Unleashed”, making me think they were about to make that beautiful mess canon
So there are like single player missions, but not a set campaign, correct? I’m curious if it adds anything cool or interesting to the larger SW universe, or is just kinda there to let you replay the battle of hoth online
Out of curiosity, does the game have a single player campaign with any kind of story? I love Star Wars and its lore, but at this point I don’t think the game is worth getting for multiplayer
I used to defend Tara’s actress, but I just can’t like her now after hearing the dumb crap she pulled against her father in the name of Scientology. Fuck Scientology, really really hard.
Speaking of this subject, I have a question for you
Gabe would be elected as President, and run for and win an unprecedented third term, before he’d announce Half-Life 3.
She’s a character from one of the comic books, Legacy. So that’s why. Comic costumes.
It could have been good, if it would have kept some of the cool imagery of the games, but not tried to replicate the stupid story.
The only way Suicide Squad qualifies as one of the worst movies is if you take into account how disappointing it was. They were saying it was gonna be the savior of the DCEU. Instead we got... that.
Suicide Squad is great.
Well he knows who he is now!
Last I heard, a Magmar with 666 CP held the Westboro Baptist Church. As it should be.
What comics can you find Doomsdays origins in? I'm curious
There are honestly quite a few really well written SWEU books outside of the Timothy Zahn ones. Any written by Matthew Stover, for instance. I’d go as far as to say that his books aren’t just great Star Wars novels, but downright good literature.
Yeah, I’m not so sure about this... Galactus is supposed to be a force of nature. Having him as an Avenger just feels strange.
Why is it that they’re retelling Battle of the Gods anyway? And why bother changing details, for that matter? Does it mean that BOG isn’t “canon”?
*Spoilers for the ending*