But for Christopher Lee it kinda fits, although a more appropriate eulogy, considering his musical output, would be “shred in peace.”
But for Christopher Lee it kinda fits, although a more appropriate eulogy, considering his musical output, would be “shred in peace.”
I think having Christopher Lee come back as a serial killer would be totally worth it if it meant we got Christopher Lee back.
See, the trap a lot of people fall into is assuming that asexuals don’t actually exist. They’re such a small portion of the population that it’s easy to think that they’re just “missing something” in regards to sex, that they can “grow a sexuality”. It doesn’t work that way. The reality is a bit stranger than that.…
As an asexual, I’m not entirely sure I have a fetish... I like pizza a lot. Maybe I have a pizza fetish?
As much bad stuff as there was in the EU, there was also some really great stuff as well. Anything written by Matthew Stover, for one, is guaranteed to be fantastic.
Miller’s Daredevil stories, particularly Born Again, are still absolutely fantastic, so I do think there was a time where he genuinely excelled at his craft.
For the most part. I’m not sure anyone ever should be embarrassed that they were in the Empire Strike’s Back. Actually, I’d tell everyone who would listen...
I’ve been an Atheist myself since I was twelve, but I have to agree that I absolutely loved that they included Matt’s Catholicism. Not only is it an important part of the Daredevil mythos, but it gives Matt a really great layer of depth. I can’t think of any other superhero off the top of my head where faith is such…
That was the nicest smackdown I’ve ever read.
You will kindly keep your heretic propaganda away from my untainted eyes, good sir.
Only trying to promote equality between beards and beardless everywhere.
Hey, no need for hostility. As a beardless pleb myself, I can appreciate the finer qualities in beard growth. I may not believe in your beards, but I will fight to the death for your right to grow that beard.
Had you cut off that last paragraph, your comment might have been funny.
Personally, it really annoys me when people assume that, since most people are into porn, everyone must watch it. I have no moral qualm against pornography, and I don't have anything to prove in saying that porn just really doesn't appeal to me. Range in humanity is a fun thing.
Is magic a part of the mod? I've always wanted a fantasy RTS game. There are so many cool things you could do with a cadre of mages.
Ah, my bad, at work at the moment so I haven't had a chance to watch it. I was thinking there was some Roshi center OVA or something.
Whoa. What's that from?
Thank for the detailed response! I'll definitely take a look into those. I've heard good things about Journey Into Mystery in particular.
What else has Kieron Gilen written that's worth taking a look at?