
That reminds me of a scene in one of the Vader Star Wars books. He's fighting a few Jedi, and they're hopping all around him with their crazy acrobatics... and with perfect, economic movement, Vader cuts them all down. Thought it was a hilarious little knock against the people who say that PT Jedi are so much better

Personally, I like it somewhere in between: Superman could be an accomplished boxer without his superpowers, but he's not gonna be taking on Batman or Deathstroke anytime soon.

So be unbearably nitpicky even when it doesn't call for it? I think you're looking for Cinema Sins.

Don't know about 12 year olds, but as someone who hasn't been out of high school for long, I can say that they become a sort of "hipster cred" milestone for most teenagers. Could just be the crowd I hung out with, of course, but when a lot of kids start trying to find new music, they inevitably get brought around

He did in part one in very subtle ways (so subtle that they may have been accidents on Kishimoto's part). He's quick to get in front of Sakura when they're attacked by Chunin from the water village, he gets incredibly pissed when the Sound ninja hurt Sakura, breaks the guys arm in retaliation, and only stops when she

While I do admit that it was probably a good idea to really focus this film on Naruto and Hinata, I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that Sasuke apparently plays such a minor role. I really would have liked to see some of the fallout of his redemption: regaining the acceptance of his former classmates, hopefully

I'm generally a sub purist, but I've always preferred Goku's Funimation dub actor. I think he does a great job of sounding childish, laid back and most importantly of all, kind while still sounding like, y'know, an adult male. Plus he really gets the occasional righteous anger that Goku displays across very well.

Dragon Age Inquisition absolutely feels like a "next gen" game to me. Not necessarily in graphics, but in sheer scope and depth.

"Such a man! I'd follow him to Hell and back I would!"

We got Far Cry: Blood Dragon. They get all the variety points they want from me for that one.

That reminds me of a time I refused to bend the knee to Stannis Baratheon. I got a random event saying I had died of mysterious circumstances soon after.

I can buy a talking racoon. But a really tall racoon? Do I look like some kind of buffoon to you, good sir?

Now playing

Frieza's been making like Stinkmeaner in Hell.

I'm replaying DAO for the first time in a few years, and I'm wondering if there are any mods you would recommend? Silly stuff is fine, but anything that drastically improves the game?

I think what annoys so many people about her- myself included- is that she doesn't seem very knowledgeable about the artistic medium she criticizes, and as a result, most of her videos come down to her quoting TVtropes. The video I saw that convinced me that Anita Sarkeesian is not someone whose opinions on


Wishing for a world like fanboyism is like wishing for a world without evil. It's just not going to happen. But it sure is a nice dream.

While I agree with the sentiment, I have to say I'm unreasonably fond of the term "dudebro".

Personally, I'm hoping Kojima is setting up for a post-credits scene in MGS5, of Big Boss (voiced by Sutherland) training a teenage/young adult Solid Snake (voiced by Hayter). Would be the meanest tease for a sequel ever, and it would be glorious.

The most baffling thing about them not making the new guy a different agent all together is that they could have kept Michael Ironside that way, having him fulfill the Lambert role. He would have made an excellent Director of Intelligence/guy who tells you what to do.