
So you're saying there might be a Civil War, of some kind?

I've actually been wondering if Hercules and Xena are worth watching. I'm interested in checking out Xena at least, since it is such a significant cornerstone of geek culture. Are the two shows as interconnected as, say, Buffy and Angel?

God's Not Dead is amazing. It's become a running joke in my crowd of friends. Easily one of my favorite comedies in recent times.

Just because it's easy to avoid breaking a law does not mean that the law is just.

Personally, I think they both do an amazing job. Some, perhaps even most, lines Hale delivers better, but there are some that Meer simply knocks out of the park. The one that really stands out in my memory is the final line in the Citadel DLC. The way Meer say's "the best": it just has that perfect sense of

But how much of that user base regularly buys games for the ipad? I know I don't.

There's a Canada day? Can I celebrate that instead?

No reason you can't be more about the journey than the destination but still love the destination. Spoilers are evil.

My first thought.

But it was totally modded.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel that Fable 2 is the pinnacle of the series. I love that game, quite possibly unreasonably.

I will never, ever understand the human obsession with clothing. A suit and tie does not have any inherent meaning beyond what we assign them. A tie does not symbolize a superior work ethic; it's a piece of freaking cloth hanging from your neck. It's just a homogenized perception.

The Lies of Locke Lamora is fantastic. If fun could be printed, it would look a lot like this book. Everyone should give it a shot, particularly the aforementioned Thief/Dishonored/Assassin's Creed fans.

Christopher Lee.

Gah! Don't say that! I'd like to try an XL for Fire Emblem, but I continue to pretend they don't exist because I can't justify buying a new system for a larger screen.

The only dubs I can actually say I enjoy more than the originals are Cowboy Bebop, Dragon ball Z and Full Metal Alchemist. The latter two, however, I will freely admit to having my perceptions clouded by nostalgia. No so with Cowboy Bebop, though, as I discovered that recently, and freaking love the dub.

I feel the exact opposite. The Amazing Spider-man is fun, but it's definitely a dumb fun popcorn flick, complete with talking lizard men. Spider-man 2 was of course still an action flick, but it's one that stays with you. I've actually only seen the movie about three times since it's come out, and I can remember

The Brian Daley Han Solo Adventures books are fantastic.

I wouldn't recommend Truce at Bakura first. It's not bad, but IMO it's not something that will leave you wanting to come back for more. I'd say if you're interested in the post Return of the Jedi era, go for the Thrawn trilogy. If you're interested in reading something in the prequel era, I'd try Matthew Stover's Sh

People always talk about the expanded universe as if it's something that should be avoided, but there really is some stuff buried in there that's as good as, or possibly even better than the movies (particularly the prequels). Anything written by Matthew Stover most obviously.