
I'm the opposite. My favorite thing about the Star Wars universe is that it's so vast, and able to tell such a rich variety of stories across different media. There are great novels- anything by Stover, Zahn, Luceno, and a few standalone gems like Yoda: Dark Rendezvous- comics, animated shows, and games.

Personally, I got more enjoyment from this article than I have any ten "relevant" articles in the past few days. But I'm also not constantly grumpy.

I love "I hate it cuz everyone likes it" guy. He's so adorably surly. You just want to pinch his angry little cheeks.

The lulz and the feels are bitter enemies, but sometimes, they can come to a mutual understanding.

I adore CG trailers, but I love them more as their own self-contained thing, rather than using them to get hyped about the game.

Technically it is art. Whether it's art you see any value in is completely personal preference.

BioCock Intimate?

"Under the effects of adrenaline and stress?" Are you fucking kidding me? She was knocking on his door.

Crucifixion was once a very common response to murder.

I love the suggestion that this is somehow less terrible because the victim was 17 instead of 16.

Green Lantern typically isn't wacky, but Geoff Johns stuff does tend to at least have a distinct element of swashbuckling fun that was just missing from the movie. Of course, we're splitting hairs here, as the tone of the Green Lantern movie was far from the problem. Pretty much everything else is.

While one could argue Green Lantern was not "grim dark", it did all but refuse to have any fun at all with such a wacky premise.

Remember that thing about reading comprehension? Read three paragraphs down from the first mention of the word "astronaut": "this origin story has been retconned. In other words, it's no longer true.

He's talking purely about the DC/Warner Bros movies, which have yet to reveal they're capable of being anything besides grimdark.

You really have no reading comprehension, do you? He was never an astronaut.

It is technically correct. The best kind of correct.

As someone who doesn't know football, like, at all, would anyone be so kind as to explain the joke?

I can sum up why I hate the Transformers movies. I was unfortunate enough to see Transformers 2. At the time I saw it, I remember thinking it was one of the loudest movies I've ever seen. For the first time ever, I feel asleep during a movie. If an extremely loud action movie is putting me to sleep, something is

I hate Disney songs. They're always so derivative, so boring and creatively bankrupt.

Discussing this sort of stuff can be a bit of a headache—there's a lot of stigma about the sort of people who gravitate toward the lifestyle, even though love is not a finite resource. And its not like most mainstream media has given me much to work with, either. In a show or movie, its perfectly plausible for someone