
Seing how many shots from the first episode were used in that promo trailer, you can bet on it.

To be fair, they did hammer home the "be friends with muslims" line pretty hard. It was embarrassing since, you know, they are at war with Western Civilization.

I tried to remember a movie (or was it a TV show?) where they want to remake the endings to most Hollywood movies, like Casablanca. Anyone has any idea about what I'm talking about?

Torrents generally cut all that crap. Stop watching TV already.

The ones who download it and are not tied to their TVs, ie, people younger than you and/or in another part of the world where your airtimes are irrelevant?

How come there's no option to set the resolution? I had it like in 480p and had to torrent the whole thing to get acceptable quality.

Don't overpush your fantasies.

La Täche by Romanée-Conti is the bottle they are drinking from the Wayne's cellar. An insanely priced burgundy wine. Nice little detail they got there.