
That is unbelievably cool.

That's a really interesting comment. And sort of true-

Didn't think of that. Interesting.

That's an interesting question. The lossless codec straight out of camera would be approximately 2TB for a 2 1/2 hour feature. So it's this interesting kind of thing-

No one edits in 4k.

I hear that. 4k streams at 11GB/minute though. I sometimes have a hard time streaming a 720p Netflix signal on a Friday night over Fios.

Agreed with Gabrielle. As said, the line doesn't ACTUALLY make any sense. But we know what he meant.

This will have absolutely no consequences on this kid. At all. Zero chance.

Considering that it's a viral ad, and it's been viewed 2 million times, I would say it's effort well-spent.

Superior interface.

These people should try working in the restaurant industry. Or the Film industry. Or the financial industry. Or any other fucking industry.

They should just put Jonny Ive to designing a new one.

Now playing Huh. I think they're macabre and VERY human.

Fine. You win. They were the first to give the consumer something useful and usable.

Hey man. I used a Treo. That thing had a touch screen too. But the iPhone was the first truly usable smartphone, as we know it today.

And- you know- inventing the smartphone. And bringing to market the first usable tablet.

Yes. I will. It was a bad show.

Yeah. He should make it more like DS9 or Enterprise. Both of those were SO quality.

You know- disclaimer: I'm white. I was talking to a black friend of mine at work yesterday (we both live in new york). And he was kind of talking to me about this exact thing "dude, I kind of forgot overt racism existed until my girlfriend and I went upstate for the weekend."

No I agree with 98% of that- this is all very subjective. But I think there are objective reasons why we're not there quite yet.