Instagram Cracker

COORS. The Banquet Beer. And not that horrid light abomination. The real thing in the yellow and gold can. Best lawnmower beer ever.

At least the guy in front was doing it right.

Now that I think about it, I have run across it before, at least the concept. I remember seeing it on the old Bob Barker TV show “Truth or Consequences” — one of the contestants won a prize, a 1970 Plymouth Road Runner as I recall, but the catch was that it was CKD, and she had to assemble it herself. (They did give

Thanks. I've been a car guy all my life (late 50s), born into a family of car guys, and don't recall ever running across that acronym. #TheMoreYouKnow

Feeling dumb. What’s a “CKD kit”?

And Rogue. Rogue is the Mercedes-Benz of Oregon microbrews. Pioneers, wide product line, relatively expensive but high quality.

Deschutes Black Butte Porter has been my go-to craft brew for at least twenty years, and the one that always seems to go first at parties. Mirror Pond Pale Ale, also excellent. They have managed to avoid the trend towards making everything a hop bomb, although they do produce some very hoppy brews.

Easy. Scale only went to 300. Like the one in my bathroom.

The original, and superior, version is by the songwriter, B.J. Stevenson, from 1973.

or a beer.

Interesting, isn’t it, that the word “marriage” is conspicuously absent from that platform. It appears to be very carefully constructed to appeal to the cretinous base while still allowing for something resembling acceptance of the eventual SCOTUS decision re same-sex marriage, which can in no way be considered a

king of what era? The “Nobody Cares About Boxing Any More” era? Okay.

I was all ready to protest in righteous indignation, but after reading his hypnotic dialogue I have an urge to fly to Chicago and buy chicken wings from him.

That’s actually correct.

On the other hand, he might have been considering the implications of putting “smoking cessation” in your (probably electronic and easily shared with anyone with an “interest” in your) medical record, thus labeling you as a smoker. If you *aren’t* a smoker, that’s not necessarily a good trade off for saving a few

My mother would be surprised to learn that her maiden name is “None of your fucking business.”

It’s called “impostor syndrome”. Anyone with a level of self awareness and humility suffers from it as their career progresses. Some of the most brilliant engineers I've worked with have it.

Not just the Islamophobia and general douchieness — his insane anti-vaxx positions, resistance to actual science, and insistence on bringing only even crazier sycophants onto his panels to “discuss” vaccination policy drive me over the edge. I used to watch and support him, then I tolerated him because At Least He’s

No one can make you drive 100mph without your consent.

Arizona doing something unique is generally a recommendation against widespread adoption. I'm willing to make an exception in this case.