Inspector Whatnow?

If you haven't seen it, another film he's good in that Deakins shot was Thunderheart, from 1992. Directed by Michael Apted, with a restrained performance by Val Kilmer and a hilarious one by Graham Greene.

So sorry for your loss and what you're going through. My Dad died in late June and I'm 47 too. It still sneaks up on me at times.

A couple books by John Lanchester are ones I would wish EVERYONE(said in the tone of Gary Oldman in Leon:The Professional) should read. He's a British novelist who was researching finance right about the time the crisis started. This led to I.O.U. (Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay). Still the best book

That film really works as a double feature with O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Man, that episode. I sort of caught H:LOTS here and there for the first few years it was on. (Once I was hooked, I have, and still will, call it the best show of the 90's). I caught up on the 3rd season later, so I first learned that Crosetti committed suicide I was actually hurt, just because I enjoyed his

Plus, he doesn't think Reagan would make money as a politician? One of the first things Reagan did after office was get paid 2 million dollars for one speech in Japan! I don't think that was for Bedtime For Bonzo anecdotes.

Let's replace J.K. with Cranston as Gordon, then replace Eisenberg as Luthor with J.K.

It turns out they couldn't call this show The Rememberer anyway. Everybody knows that's the title of Kevin Grishem's Thrilling sequel to The Rural Juror!!