
I scrolled through all the comments for this.

"There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless,
terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most
feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it,
or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear
down your world."

I don't know what the problem is. Both River and Dalek are showing each other sides they would not like The Doctor to see. River would not want him to see her as a cold blooded killer, and a Dalek would not beg The Doctor for mercy. His companion or associate, yes. But they are past the point where they would beg him.

"After Batman and Robin, Warner Bros went back to what Batman successful: Grey, bleak, grittiness to the point of tedium."

I scrolled all the way down for this. Thank you.

I tend to go with the philosophy the Clara knows what we know, she has, in a sense, seen all the adventures he's seen. We, too, have met all his past selves. But for those of us who started with Matt, as she did, knowing what regeneration is and seeing it happen to your Doctor are two distinctly different pills to

I mean, if you ignore the 6 episodes of pure, unadulterated passive aggression that was Jo's departure in 'The Green Death'.

By my experience girls tend to personify themselves as Rose and have her act as their surrogate to a fanfic-y romantic relationship with The Doctor. Might just be because I approach the fandom through cosplay. But odds are you can tell when a girl is a Tennant fangirl because she is dressed as Rose (While Eleven

Yeah, I totally can't buy into the whole 'regeneration is kind of like death' thing, The Doctor has bravely faced death with little complaints 10 times prior to this (Although I imagine 6 and 7 were none too happy with the situation), the key change just feels like Ten (And by extension, RTD) having his big vanity

Its a show that has continually frustrated me with its total disregard for any kind of logic. A crisis happens over night and in a matter of days several continents have immediately turned into a horrific dictatorship 100% cool with mudering innocent people. The resulting population boom would take nearly a decade to