She created one job: there’s now a clerk position available
She created one job: there’s now a clerk position available
She’s pretty dark-skinned for this nonsense too. I’m sure that’s a very tanned woman of Italian descent, and I’m sure like a generation ago it would have been her being asked to leave a store.
Seriously, you can’t just be passive in your murder attempts. The sullen glaring ain’t getting the job done!
she should try trying harder at murder then
We’re doing our best!
I think Melania is unhappy because she thought she’d be a wealthy widow years ago, and married to husband #2 and have more kids by now. I think she took one look at Trump’s diet and aversion to exercise and assumed she’d be a widow within a year or two. That’s probably why she signed the prenup. Even with his…
White Feminists are not gonna beat Yertle. Yertle is the Golden State Warriors of cheating lying racist Republicans (even though WF will be a worthy opponent).
Counterpoint: Don’t release the tapes, at least not all at once. Drag this out for months, Omarosa. Milk it for everything it’s worth. Make him dance to your tune. Make your next revelation the thing they all focus on as we go into the midterms. Be that distraction. Make him pay.
200 unreleased tapes? Dang she’s like the Prince of semi-legal receipts
That is a cruel comparison to draw. That chicken was very nice and just wanted to peck for food in peace. He doesn’t deserve to have his name mentioned in the same sentence as SHS.
And this media circus she concocted up shows no signs of slowing down. Hot damn I wish I had the ability to stretch out my paychecks like that
I think the ONLY thing that might get his base upset, is if she has a tape of him bashing them. You know calling them stupid hillbillies or something.
People have been hating the other forever. Brazilians hate those from Argentina, Koreans hate Japanese, Arabs in Iraq hate the Persians in Iran. And they all have nothing on the hate Europeans all have for each other(look at the wars in the 1990's in Eastern Europe)
No matter what character flaw she may have, she most certainly is patient. If I had something juicy on a former boss, there’s no way I would’nt have spilled it as soon as possible, even if there was a chance I got paid for it in the future
It’s not about Dolt 45 saying the N word. The realest thing he’s said is that he could shoot someone on 42nd Street and he would get off. He’s been hit with everything but the kitchen sink at this point and nothing has stuck.
Clearly, if you come on board the campaign, like, we can’t have, we got to,”
Smart move to record. That’s all I got for her.
She keeps dropping these tapes. I can’t wait until the very last tape drops. She has to be saving the best for last.