it’s still extremely funny to me that anyone thought a blade runner legacy sequel would make any money.
it’s still extremely funny to me that anyone thought a blade runner legacy sequel would make any money.
There was an episode of Sliders where any ATM withdrawal was an entry in the lottery. The “winners” were killed and their heirs got the money. At least in Sliders the characters don’t know about it because they’re from a different universe. Its not plausible that California would enact this law and have regular…
It’s really, really, really large print.
I can accept it as a movie premise, like how Black Mirror starts with one outrageous thing, if what follows is more natural...which is why not knowing about a murder game and accidentally getting involved confuses the hell out of me.
Gonna disagree, I think John Cena does action comedy the best out of all the meat necks in Hollywood because he is the only one that will actually be the butt of the joke. This actually would have been better if they cast a straight-man/woman opposite him instead of Awkwafina.
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
The second one’s in the can and coming next month. He’s already filming the third (and possibly fourth if he’s making those two simultaneously like the first two), but is still apparently looking for outside financing.
The producer/star of Waterworld and the director/producer/star of The Postman!
Oh hell yeah that’s definitely one of the draws for me, especially in the later seasons when a rich guy like Silver is willing to burn everything down for it. Some of the best parts of the series are when Amanda is like ‘This is all friggen teenage karate what is wrong with you people?’
I think a streamer’s interest was Costner’s expectation, but then none of them bit, so this is his “Fuck it, we’ll do it live”
After reading a couple of reviews of this film, I went and read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia. Boy was that confusing even to read in a condensed form, I cannot fathom how it feels sitting in the theatre for three hours and not see a single plot point resolved.
Sure, buddy. Let me continue to speak then if my side is so unpersuasive and unreasonable. I’ve said nothing hateful, I’ve said nothing untrue.
They are male. “Male” is a cross species term that refers to biological sex.
Having an inflated sense of self-importance doesn’t mean having an inflated opinion of her writing talent.
Bullshit. I am not talking about trans people in general. Plenty of trans people agree with me and JK Rowling.
I am talking about the people sending death and rape threats to JK Rowling - most of those people probably aren’t even trans, just “allies”. Just plain old assholes like yourself. You are deliberately…
Ah yes, silence the reasonable opposition. People might start agreeing with me. We don’t want that.
My World of Flops? At the AV Club? I feel like I am in a time machine and I went back to better days.
The scheduling of each release was meant for readers to track the aging of the characters. The first book is geared for a kid around 11 or 12. Pretty solid marketing - how many other books had midnight release parties with thousands in line down the sidewalk?
You’re out of your mind if you think anything other than total capitulation will ever be enough for these lunatics.
Bullshit. Go back and read her first essay on this subject. It was even handed and conciliatory.