
I can answer your question. Yes, the game will be sold digitally.

Tough no word had been told about this game release or sales plan on the west other that it will come out this year, all Nintendo First parties are released digitally, including 3DS Xenoblade, so you can safely assume that Yes, it will

It’s really sad that you have to go negative on someone who is simply sharing what they like. I will make my own mind up about the game, like Insomniac47. You can keep going through life being negative and doing exactly as others tell you if you like!

Totally forgot about the actual question thanks to a certain reply, but:

Dude im really excited for this game too man dont feel left out.

Exactly nothing in this preview was surprising....everything we should have expected the game to what the game is essentially...if you found the first game will probably find this one boring...if the first game was appealing....etc....we all have different taste....we all have different favorite

I’m cautiously optimistic given that House of Wolves exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations, though it’s way too early to speculate given the lack of concrete information we have.

If this was announced after The Dark Below, I’d be all “$40? Are you kidding?” and then I’d write some big comment about how disappointing Destiny has been.

After House of Wolves, however, I’m all “YES GOOD!” because although there are still disappointing aspects to the game, it really seems to be on an upward

Try /r/destinysherpa. I did my first raid this weekend with someone leading that I had met on there. Very nice community from what I encountered and now I feel comfortable assisting with more learner runs until I get enough to feel comfortable with a real group

If a game is in first person with real time shooting, it is an FPS. Thus, it should have FPS mechanics, not bullshit rolls that make half your shots miss for no reason at all. Now, if the gun’s stats are what affect the accuracy, damage and stuff with some modifiers due to character skills, I’m all for that. But if it

The awful shooting mechanics better be updated to modern standards as well. The whole “it’s an RPG not a shooter” excuse won’t work this time.

Don’t you dare, some of the nodes in general on the new gear makes me question the sanity of the creators. Extra damage versus shanks? Hive protection but only in PoE? Not exactly something that will create a legacy if you wanted good light 42 gear, but you take it because it’s what’s available; the only alternative

It really is silly how many people do use thorn. There is also nothing quite as exhilarating as getting a kill with red death as the DOT is about to kill you and watch them rage as your health regens.

Says the person no-doubt using it. Keep on crutchin’.

I absolutely hate Thorn. It looks cool, but it’s ridiculously OP in Pvp. I make it a point to never use it. I’m waiting for them to buff auto rifles... *sniffs and cuddles SUROS*

Now that you’ve pointed it out, I see it and had a good laugh.

I also scored a beta key, and having played the PC version years ago I must say that the port felt like an ugly (both graphically and mechanically) early 2000s console shooter.

I honestly thought they would not even out the game after all judging how horrible everything felt.

The closed beta felt like it was pre-alpha

I managed to get selected twice for beta, only to find there’s like NOBODY online. That’s a huge problem for a massive online shooter. I love the game though. It generally feels more forgiving of mistakes than other big FPS games and as someone who isn’t great at FPS games I love being useful as a medic or engineer.

  • Planetside 2 came out two full years before Destiny.
