
I can’t get the video to play, did Couture’s trauma to the tackle lead to a haute voice? I’m guessing it did.

Once more the feckless, bone spurred coward moves to weaken the military to no other end than to appease the ignorant.

Tossing the ball back to the pitcher after being hit is an old hitter’s tough guy ploy - “you don’t throw hard enough to hurt me, here’s the ball back meat”.

True but Hemmerling has more than earned the right to truncate.

We long ago passed the point where blogs/sites/whatever can afford to savage genuinely intelligent and open minded people for mistakes they didn’t actually commit when our reality is cowardly imbeciles who could care less about intelligence or mistakes.

True, but a dude can multi task.

No, that’s not what he’s telling you.

A great way to identify yourself as a spineless moron is to use “soy” in any form as an ‘insult’.

If you’re starting an NFL team from scratch and have one of these people to choose from as a building block of success, where is your vote?

I shudder to imagine a world where “least erotic job” doesn’t include Frank Costanza and a Manzier fitting but I’ll trust you.

Just another reminder that the biggest cunt most of us are aware of is the fucking president and not being overwhelmed behind a broom where he belongs.

The only bad part of him falling down was there wasn’t a hero nearby to give him a taste of their laces. I’d have bent that shit like Beckham.

I remember when this happened, I was thinking drugs would be perfect for these kids, as the worst thing in the world is some panicked moron thrashing around while someone is trying to save them.

...with the score still at 5–5 and the bases sacks juiced...

Thanks for your grasp of the obvious and missing the greater point.

No, but she’d sure as shit knock a fucker out who did.

My youngest daughter is banned from Target.

This is of course a problem unique to Boston...... LOL!?!!?1

Salty, no offense but a full 95% of your letter writers should be put on a watch list and required to wear a helmet with flashing lights at all times.