
I always look at pictures like the one at the top of this blog and am reminded how many senior military leaders I know who despise this coward/clown but are required by decorum/UCMJ to remain silent. Five presidents I’ve served under and I’ve sometimes heard some mumbled dissent for decisions but never this level of

Boston’s starting pitching this year has been way to much Ebby Calvin and not enough Nuke Laloosh.

Preach it brother.


Your disingenuous and bad faith trolling indicates you don’t care either way, you’re just chumming and I think I may speak for the majority of the true professionals in the military in advocating that your mouth would serve all of us better is it was left closed.

My family is the same, 2 naval aviators, a special warfare clown and me who’s spent 27 years in uniform but our family’s biggest point of pride is one of my sisters who rocked the Peace Corps in South America cultivating bees (she’s frankly kind of an asshole).

Donnie is so obviously a coward, a moron and a treasonous cunt but that describes the majority of DC, what has always been the thing that should have, in a sane world disqualified him from doing anything more than being overwhelmed behind a broom is his complete lack of intellectual curiosity that situations like this

The soldiers, Marines, squids and air force airpeople or whatever the hell they are who actually get it are disgusted by the idolatry. It’s stupid and is profoundly unhealthy.

Blue lives matter and punisher stickers on police cars are born of the same profound ignorance that lead morons to burn their Steeler jersey and support cowards with crippling bone spur issues.

What a perfect distillation of the disingenuous stupidity and cowardice of what the Republican party represents.

Creativity is for people with glasses who like to lie.

I think it’s well established that baseball players are without a doubt the dumbest fuckers among the over payed moron class of jackasses that shouldn’t have a speaking part in this big tragedy but for fuck’s sake the retired players who were stupid when they played and are now pickled in the ‘old school’ holding


This is a couch on which Steve Doocey is by most measures the smartest human and I’d put 10 bucks on the couch in an IQ test.

There are Bison on Catalina Island off Socal who won’t hesitate to put a punk in low earth orbit. The story is they brought a few out for a movie in the 20s and left them, the bison got to boning and made more bison so now there’s several hundred out there - cool offshoot is the bison burgers at Catalina airport are

What a feckless, bone spurred cunt.

In other words, it’s a day that ends in Y.

Schiff and Swalwell have been money, now if that sniveling coward Nunes could only catch a stray throat punch.....

Clemen’s fastball combined with Burt Blyleven’s hook thrown about 10mph faster.

It goes without saying that talent doesn’t absolve you or make you better than others going through addiction or personal problems but goddamn if it doesn’t make you wonder what Doc could have done. JFC could he throw a baseball.