Insightful Panda

If I wrote a bad sloppy article, then by all means. But you're seriously upset that I'm trying to offer up a critical analysis of the episode? This review while good sadly missed a lot of the finer points of the episode and I'm sure left quite a few wanting more. I apologize for trying to give them that.

I don't think you can call it "pimping" since all my comments are on topic. I actually read the articles in question and then respond, so I am trying to join the conversation; but rather than go into paragraph upon paragraph of detail I just put the link so its more concise and easy for people to read.

YES!!!!! I called that DJ reveal months ago. It was the only logical choice. They'd never introduce a dead end love interest to Thea. And considering where it feel in the episode list, it was the only option.

Here's some Easter Eggs from the episode if you want. As well as WHY the Pied Piper's didn't kill Wells at Star Labs. Enjoy!

I thought it was a great episode that helped to continue to close the old narrative while still hinting at Henrys existing workings - the DA comment - and Abbie acting a little more like Orion. Can't wait to see where this goes from here.