
Difficult to obtain any significant amount of water if you’re not at a lake or river, so putting out an ICE fire could also be challenging. And since ICE fires are more frequent than EV fires, I don’t know that risk mitigation would call for banning EVs.

Either the Honda or T0yota is the right answer.

I drive a 20 year old Camry with a stick. It handles meh, rides well and has meh fuel economy. It really isn’t hoonable, but I can hustle it a little (although I need to replace the front rotors the next day if I do). When I have a rental car of almost any form, I look forward to getting in my old Camry, even though

Now playing

Exactly. Who’s having more fun in the video below.  And nobody is breaking any laws.

Why anyone would buy this for anything but an investment is beyond me. You gotta be playing a looooooong game to get any return on it, too. Then again, most of these will be wrecked, stolen, or modified beyond repair then stolen and wrecked in a couple of years, so maybe it will work out.

How can they call that thing a coupe?

I had an Olds Intrigue that lasted me 215K miles.

all the other passengers got off the plane in solidarity with the woman who was pulled off

The show is done, but the magazine and YouTube channel soldier on

As annoying as I find his videos, I appreciate the dedication to the bit. 🤣

I’m guessing this being a Porsche Branded product, that you could rent a vacation home for about a month for the same money.

Plus I will take that V6 over the TT I4 in the Taco. Nissan gets a lot of hate but they sure can make a good V6.

I actually like this thing. Looks better than the Tacoma IMO

How often are the MAGA flag fliers driving a Nissan? 

Imagine being put in the bed on one of these thinking you’ll be saved and then getting your artery severed.

Agree. I’m almost ashamed that I keep keep coming back after experiencing such incompetence. 

Don’t attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. They can barely hire decent writers here (Tom McP *very* much excepted) why would you expect them to have decent web development talent?

I suspect they did it intentionally to rack up more clicks for The Root.

I’m sure the car is semi-decemt, but I’m excited to actually be able to see the comments again. Hell, even the back half of the articles is nice to see.

Corporate America and I have radically differing ideas on what should be considered affordable. Radically different.