
Yeah at 35k for a Lyric I think I’d be in. All the way.

How DARE they try to hold her accountable for her actions?

But officer here is my “rules for thee, not for me” card!

I am going to need to hear more on this “immunity while legislation is in session” bullshit.

That was my immediate thought as well; absolutely no one is buying a Countach for the driving experience, but they are paying ridiculous sums for a piece of automotove history/lore. I see this as a more contemporary version of the same. These get more scarce by the day, due to people not being able to control them the

We definitely need an English-style motorcycle licensing standard in America. Anything that forces a beginner rider on a small motorcycle, limits to periodic upgrades as experience is attained, plastered with notifications that scream “I’m a beginner” on the bike, and doesn’t allow them to look cool (“fake it ‘til you

Wings hold a lot more than engines and flaps; in flight, wings are holding up the entire plane.

100% agree with the mandatory inspections but I would prefer that they were more stringent. the NY inspection is a joke. plug in the scanner to see if there’s codes, take off one wheel to look at how much brake material is left. that’s about it. they don’t care about rust. they don’t care about leaking oil. they don’t

It’ll have a range of 18,000 miles on a single charge.

the roadster will go through 3 million tweets of hard testing before its released to the public. itll be fine.

That Shkreli-like smirk on Donald The Felon’s face:

I mean lets be honest this was ALWAYS going to fail.  Even if it got off the ground and that was a BIG if, the only people who could afford to live there were those billionares.

It would seem like something as different as the Cybertruck would warrant prioritization....

Now there is a poll about Tesla investing in xAI to the tune of $5B. I guess he saw the stock price down and needed to do something.

What about a V10 that could kill you?

Also, worth noting a lot of the handling woes of the Viper have been cured by modern tires. Tires have come a LONG way in 30 years. 

Chrysler was able to wrangle subsidiary Lamborghini

NP, these consistently go for the high 30s/low 40s in good condition and this one is about as clean as you could ask for. The yellow seems to be a fairly uncommon color too, as I don’t think I’ve seen another one like it.

doesn’t believe in the “cult of personality”.

And now Musk has reneged on his $45 mill/month to Trump. His “reasoning”? He doesn’t believe in the “cult of personality”.

NP on this snake. Looks really clean and new tires are nice. Don’t like the aftermarket spoiler, but otherwise I like it.