
Aaaaaaaand, another click bait anti EV article. How don’t EVs not work “right” in this weather?

It’ll never be so hot that a battery will need to be actively cooled during normal driving. My Ioniq battery sits at 50°C no problem after spirited driving + repeated fast charging. Only then some 50W fans kick on. Not affecting range at all.

25 to 50% is not what I call a small percentage for a speed pedelec.

I really liked Doug, but I’m quite dissapointed by him now. He is just ignoring comments stating that a part of his article is wrong, how childish can you be, seriously ?

“Only, there’s a problem: after years of speculation that the Model X would offer roughly the same pricing as the Model S, Tesla has announced that its gullwing minivan will start at $132,000 – a full $56,000, or75 percent, more expensive than a base-level Model S. In other words: the Model X will be available to a