insert something creative here

If I’m not allowed to come to the GMG offices later today and personally make fun of Drew Magary for his Chopped appearance, I will be filing a complaint at the Hague for violation of my human rights!

Can I tag along? I’d love to call David Brooks a dipshit to his face.

She is seriously so fucking cool. Happy Birthday, Virginia!

I’ve seen people actually brag about turning down promotions because they thought they’d lose money by being bumped into a higher bracket.

Young Black women are saying that they absolutely still experience high levels of colorism and Black men who simply don’t date Black women. It’s talked about online quite a bit.

Got it in one.

Thank you for the graphs, they will be saved and reused.

They’ll feel it, but by the time they do, the next president will be in and the blame will go to them LMFAO...

I had my accountant show me what my taxes will look like next year, and I’ll end up PAYING MORE because of how they fucked with the standard deductions. No tax cut for me.

The best part about the corporate tax rate graphs and statistics spewed by the GOP is that it completely ignores the massive amounts of write-offs they have at their disposal. Like, yeah, it’s a 30% base rate, it’s rather high compared with the rest of the world. However, you have state tax breaks and federal tax

Sadly, it changes nothing. Fox News and other media outlets owned by the conservatives will start pumping out statements about elitists in their ivory towers trying to take things away from hard working Americans, they’ll phrase it as individuals misunderstanding what it means to be a real American dealing with

Sure they’re two sides, often one side is completely immoral and/or complete bullshit. Fox, Sinclair and others in the media, have sold their sheep viewers on the idea that their side has equal or greater validity than the side that is the truth and/or morally just.

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!


“Also, Paulie Trump could do anything. Especially run up bills on the joint’s credit. And why not? Nobody’s gonna pay for it anyway...It doesn’t matter. It’s all profit. And then finally, when there’s nothing left, when you can’t borrow another buck from the bank or buy another case of booze, you bust the joint out.

The willingness of the right, and the media in general to use this false balance bullshit, and the willingness of many people to believe it, has been one of the biggest reasons behind the country becoming so fucked up.

People seem to be less disturbed by this than they should be.

Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton. You just don’t understand how to run government like a business. That’s what the GOP is doing.

All stories are two-sided. However one faction has decided that “their side” will consist of yelling “FAKE NEWS®” at the top of their voice.

How fucking amazing is it that Trump has a shill named “Boris Epshtyen”?