
Likely both of them did their best Brett Kavanaugh impersonations during their pre-game activities.

Can we get smartwatches on the refs’ wrists that vibrate when the play clock hits zero? This kind of mistake is inevitable when part of the referee’s job is to literally look two places at once.

The password is one.....two....three....four....five. The same combination I use on my luggage.

This game was such a classic trap game it should be called “The Bailey Jay Game”.


If I had a PS4 this is exactly what I would do too. Ghostbusters and Ramones virtual walking tours. 

How about that pass play call on Third and ONE on Packers 20 with just over two minutes left?

Mack was amazing, but we are missing the real story, the Bears ran at least one play out of the T-Formation. 

In fairness to them losing to the John Fox Bears is pretty impressive in its badness.

I sort of love that no shoe guy thinks the world operates on Airbud rules (there’s nothing in the rulebook that says I can’t be barefoot)

To the white supremacists who will appear in the greys: your traitorous and slavery-loving great granddaddy doesn’t deserve a participation trophy because he got his a__ kicked in a fight that he started, you whiny snowflakes.

I was really hoping for one of these:

Y’know, I’ve had very limited direct exposure to this guy until your display here, but holy god, is he hateable.  


A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.

Seriously, SO MANY QUESTIONS. We need a follow-up, STAT.


Here, I made this to help with the visual. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Dude is below zero, then fifty feet of crap, then him.