Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage,
Dear Nobody,
Isn’t True Heart that movie where Christian Slater has a baboon heart?
Dear Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
Dear Savage Nobody,
I thought Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.
Dear Savage Nobody,
Who wouldn’t want that?
Venom: II: Carnage: Ecks vs. Sever: The Last Stand
Dear Nobody,
Funny, she doesn’t look Druish.
Well, ya gonna kiss or not?
Dear Savage Nobody,
Found the ep, Homer Loves Flanders!
I know Marge has gotten high before — there was one episode where she drank water out of the tap and then said “Oooh, the colors” while the curtains appeared to be melting. I can’t remember which episode that was. In any case, this was her first time trying marijuana, of course, which the camera didn’t actually show.