insensate gobbet of suppurating meat

When other actors were distancing themselves, Elizabeth was out in front of the AIDS epidemic. She stood up for the victims of AIDS and helped de-stigmatize them. She was the face of compassion for AIDS victims. I’m absolutely positive that without her many more AIDS victims would have died, many of them alone,

Seriously. I know there wasn’t social media back then, but she could have spoke about it afterwards, or did the tv interview circuit.

And you know what? Even afterward, when it would’ve been the mother of all humble-brags, she still didn’t sing about it. Good God, what an amazing human being.

I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.


as a manhattanite, i always use the “sorry, gotta go into the subway” excuse, and i said it the other day out of habit while on the phone with my mom and she goes “stop fucking around, it’s 11:30 pm and we both know you’re in the bathtub”

Chanel totally has Ice’s dimples. Ermagerd. <3

Well, at least the State of the Union addresses would be interesting.

Except it was #GivingTuesday, Sajak. AKA let me brag about all of the causes I donate to/follow on social media day.

Well my cock and mind think your loan application looks great, but I’m afraid my ass just can’t decide

So sad, but sweet that people actually check.

It also implies that you can tell who is a rapist because rapists are all creepy, you know? None of them are ever charming and likeable, no sir. It’s not like sociopaths are masters at manipulation. Definitely not. And then there’s the “of course he was a rapist, I knew he was one all along” - implying that his

The Houston-iest, whitest cornrow-iest rapper around.

I cannot understand why it is such a difficult concept for these individuals to understand. If someone says no, says a safe word, asks you to stop, or looks uncomfortable you should stop. It does not matter if they have consented to that sexual interaction or a different sexual interaction before, if they are your

‘Umm, a moose just walked into my to go’ (never mind that there are no large wild animals at all where I live. Sssh. I’m in Canada, so they just assume...)

So, money > support?

Here is an actress that, as far as I have been able to see, can do no wrong. I think she just gets hounded about the gender stuff in interviews because they think she is going to change her statement at some point. I think it’s wishful thinking on the part of Hollyweird execs that just wish the gender inequality issue

‘I’m really sorry, a kangaroo just got run over outside our house.’”