
Talk about "front butt."

I feel like this some days.

I have a little hobby of making improtptu weird art out of store displays (which must infuriate the hell out of store workers, sorry guys). I think I found a new canvas to try out...

Why didn't anxone tell me my ass looks big in this? brain is safe. (and it will melt your face)

I had a nightmare as a kid that my grandma and my mom and i were in a department store, and the mannequins came to life and were chasing us around... thanks for reminding me... i'm calling a therapist.

Reminds me of the "hear like a rabbit" heads at the Oakland Zoo:

Thanks for putting that all together. You'd think people would realize mannequins are creepy enough without doing other stuff to them. Especially ones at historic sites, there's just something innately weird about them.

Great hells!

Don't forget the snarky pop-overs of what the manikins are thinking!. Half the fun!

Not sure if you have seen these. They were spotted at the H&M at NorthPark Mall in Dallas.

Well, this one's going to be sticking with me for the rest of my life. Why would you do this?

Bah! Who needs sleep anyways?!