Tech Belcher

Is it good? Charles Dance, Miranda Richardson, and Toby Stephens made me want to say yes, but Douglas Booth made me want to flip it the bird while I lit all copies of the miniseries on fire before I watched. I've got a weird hate-on for that dude.

You're lucky you're a doctaur and not a doctor, or I'd have to berate you for smoking.

I'm always incredulous as to how a whole hour has passed whenever it's over.

In the end, there's only Cinnabon and upvotes for some, Doc.

Will Showtime drag the lawsuit out for seven years, only to end up screwing themselves by letting the quality of their defence slip gradually over time until the judge is just begging for Showtime's death when the ruling finally has to be given?

I want to cut off her skin so I can wear it and assume her fictional identity.

With The Americans coming up even sooner! Sooner being tomorrow!

She's the kind of fantastic friend I want in my life. And girlfriend. And business partner. And I also want to be her.

Kim is everything to me. She's relatable and realistic and yet still perfection itself personified. Kim is everything I want in a TV character. Kim must be protected.

Of fucking course they did. There would be justifiable revolts if they didn't.

Probably not as often anymore.

For that line alone I support this apparent up tick in her career lately.

I swear I saw it on the other day. I think they might have slipped it back into syndication quietly after everything died down.

It doesn't seem like enough was made of that. The Cosby Show was pulled off the air for its reruns, can't we do another good thing for the world and do the same with 7th Heaven?

Just because I don't have one doesn't mean I don't know what to do with one, thank you very much. I'm honestly so insulted right now.

I'm sure they have, but Mr. Meeseeks isn't doing any harm to anyone. That's antithetical to his very nature.


Don't you tell me how to masturbate with the penis I don't have.

Dr. Scott!

I feel like there might not be quite enough material to keep this gimmick account afloat.