
What is it for EN sets, anyway, can’t be asdfjklö...

And to add to what you said it, it’s “hangar”, not “hanger”.

Because if it doesn’t have 5,000+ hp and AWD Americans won’t buy it because it’s “slooow” and “not saaafe in wiiinter”?

So much talent wasted on drab-ass tacticool military shooteridoo #254679.

Not as bad as Kinja websites are eating up bandwidth lately. What's up with that?

Haha, I second the fear of open water AND the living imagination.

The US are weird (okay, not a new insight). The most basic A3 here makes around 110 hp out of a three cylinder. 

In a Cadillac? I sure would. What's the point of a luxury marque if it's not luxurious?

Well, I have been wondering for quite some time how services like Twitch and YouTube get around German broadcasting rules. 

Welcome to everything Destiny. That’s basically how many things went in Destiny 1.

Can’t wait to see the Daihatsu Waku Waku 7 Neo Geo Edition. :)

Et tu, Joshua Rivera?

It's how dumb people think smart people talk.

Do you know games with intricate character creation? It looks like someone tinkered around in there, and it went all wrong and the whole process is now a meme-y Youtube video.

It was available and ran better on the XBox 360, too.

What about The Warriors? I’d very much dig it.

Hangar, not hanger...

So, I see this game for the first time, basically, and never watched Kill la Kill - but... are there any other games that basically look like an Anime as a game?

As a German that (sadly, I admit), never learned French, I don’t see the difference to all the other weirdo French words. ;)

These articles are both linking to the Daily Mail themselves, because that seems to be the original source of these news.