INB4 they accidentally vote for Attila Dingsbums... you know... the German Vegan cook that’s pushing CoVid conspiracy theories and alt-right bullshit here.
INB4 they accidentally vote for Attila Dingsbums... you know... the German Vegan cook that’s pushing CoVid conspiracy theories and alt-right bullshit here.
In fact
Well, he does look a bit like Angel Aloisius.
Really? :(
Dunno whether it’s really that or some editors don’t know they could permanently ungrey by following...
Well, they ARE calling themselves “Built BMW Tough”.
I used to play this on vacation all the time as a kid.
Why do all BMWs look like douchemobiles?
Yeah, this reads like an alarmist message from the PR folks at the Worldwide Association of NetworK Streaming Services (WANKSS) that want people to stop sharing passwords to get more subscribers.
No, there’s ways to circumvent this, like kinja sites do with their autoplay videos (only way to block them is blocking the whole player via something like noscript or uBlock- sorry Tim, but at least I watch you on YouTube).
By the time Disney+ lauches here, I will have lost all hype for this show and read everything about it online. I don’t care about spoilers, but why even bother in three months? Might as well wait to try the service until the inevitable season 2 will hit.
Eurospeedway Lausitz/Lausitzring has a Steilkurve, as well.
It’s Samurai Shodown, not Showdown.
Studies also show that CEOs have actually very little influence on how well a company does, aside from one thing: Massively well paid CEOs actually perform worse, as do those that win awards...
GTA Mission Pack London 1969 is the best GTA. XD
I totally forgot that existed, yeah, that was wild!
If you switch PM and RotS, that’s basically my list. (Sans Mandalorian, I haven’t seen that yet as I am in Europe and am not singing some shanties.)
Yeah, or like, you know, David Prowse did for Vader.
I would dig it, as well.
It might seem wild, but The Warriors is one of Rockstar’s best