
And don’t forget the ever popular Jayden!

Tinker Tailor MAGA Moron”! I will never stop laughing at this!


I don’t believe anyone is offended, they’re  just saying it’s nicer for kids to feel included. But if you don’t care about children’s feelings that’s your prerogative. After all, it would be a *gigantic* effort on your part.

How can you be against being kind to children? Because that’s what it actually comes down to.

Remember: the people who refuse to be “politically correct” are the same people who don’t want their tax money to support poor people, so I feel like even making the slightest of change to accommodate anyone but themselves is just not going to happen.


I think what ignatius is trying to say is that it’s fine to have a bad day, or hurt feelings, but when you have a huge twitter following and/or emotionally immature, hormone-filled teen fans who will inappropriately overreact to this news, attacking a young woman with limited life experience, (who has probably never

But he did get away with it. CBS had to shell out a bunch of cash, but he not only faced no consequences, he got to remain lead of the show without the female co-lead the producers and/or the network wanted!

I feel like this might be less of a he’s-a-gross-pervert-asshole story and more of a he-sexually-bullied-this-woman-to-quit-while-simultaneously-discouraging-the producers-from-trying-to-bring-in-another-female-“co-lead”-so-he-could-maintain-his-lead-status-asshole

But see, that is the problem, he did not want any female joining *his* show as a co-star at all. And it seems like after he sexually harassed and bullied Eliza until she had to do something, *she* was written out of the show and no other actress was written in and he remains the solo star. So, once again, a man

Except that HR exists to protect the company and not the employees 

Leave even if you do have kids because it doesn’t get better.

And Woody Allen and Dr.Luke and Donald Trump and Mel Gibson and Roger Ailes...

Brooklyn Nine Nine is too funny and has a lot of the funny side jokes you might miss on the first viewing, like Arrested Development.

I honestly empathize with you and am constantly being enraged by what is happening in and to your country, but I am so relieved to be Canadian right now!

There goes the last tiny shred of decency this woman may have ever had, along with her spine!

I had a friend in high school who used to hand out “I’m an atheist” cards. Then he’d complain about how people who follow organized religions are always trying to push their views onto everyone else. He’d also complain and make well-intended people feel terrible if he sneezed and they said “bless you.” Out would come

It might be because he has no soul.