
Nahh, Dr Seuss books are good, but no school library is clamoring for them as there’s a lot out there. This “gift” shows no thought. If anything I agree with the librarian and think you’re a idiot who deserves to be crushed for your dumb comment and secret love of Trump. Now go away and never post here again.  

She would have had to stop to get her Orthotics fixed. They just aren’t built for something that grueling.

Hmm more famous Black guy, Blond lady and white dude. Were they trying to make a TGS 30 rock reference?

It wasn’t a dump Chaffetz leaks classified info. Dude should be in jail, or shot.

He was on the first 2 seasons of Lost and I think that Vampire show on the CW.

This is exciting ever since that segment in Poison about the flying kid I’ve thought Haynes would make an amazing children’s movie director.

If you spray tan and then wear rubber gloves doesn’t it stain the gloves?

When you read the book did you pick up on the fact that Bev’s dad is sexually assaulting her?

Not to defend the scene, cause personally I think it’s sloppy, but it ties in thematically with Bev dealing with sexual assault from her father and It’s theme of creepy stuff that happens in small towns that people just ignore.

I’m sure your wife is nice to you or whatever, but she definitely participated in and was complacent in this sort of behavior. Maybe find another place to whine about your awful wife loser.

Oh screw you. This issue affects women who are used to working in heels are like waitress and shit. She’s a former model and current trophy wife. She doesn’t walk enough for that to be an issue. She chose those shoes becasue she’s a dumb bitch.

Yeah she does. Listen to her Taylor Dane story sometime.

Don’t kid yourself the right wants a Hitler. They want someone as evil as they are killing people they dislike to boost their egos. These people are sick.

You don’t get money, you get access to film all the free cool jets and stuff you want.

Do it. Maybe he’d play that Wu-Tang CD at a press conference 

If you’re trying to secede and then you do I think you call that winning. Getting what you want out of a war is still winning right?

Look further into his military career. He was a shitty person who got his dad to pull strings so he could fly jets. Which he did so badly he crashed many of them while bombing so many innocent civilians than when they caught him they wanted to kill him.