
Hmm more famous Black guy, Blond lady and white dude. Were they trying to make a TGS 30 rock reference?

It wasn’t a dump Chaffetz leaks classified info. Dude should be in jail, or shot.

He was on the first 2 seasons of Lost and I think that Vampire show on the CW.

This is exciting ever since that segment in Poison about the flying kid I’ve thought Haynes would make an amazing children’s movie director.

If you spray tan and then wear rubber gloves doesn’t it stain the gloves?

How much money do you think you spent?

Counter point

Yeah, bleeding cool sucks. It’s where all the Nazi’s go to apologize. They just had a big thing on Ethan van scriver, who is definitely a Nazi, and that cosplay super girl who was in the charlotte march on the nazi side. I was hoping you were smart enough to actually read, but you’re not, you’re a child scolding me

Disney already made that movie, it’s called John Carter.

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When you read the book did you pick up on the fact that Bev’s dad is sexually assaulting her?