
People like you are the reason he won the election. You’re so backwards you think attacking someone so you can praise yourself for sticking up for a boy billionaire is more important that standing up for millions of children who are actually suffering and going to suffer. Pick your battles and maybe let the super rich

Still implies there was something to save and someone to do it. It’s not like I don’t respect OP’s struggle. It isn’t easy for anyone out here, but she just doesn’t frame in a way that actually makes me feel like she was poor, which is you know a good thing.

Just kind of meant it as a toss off, but it’s hilarious all these fairly well to do people bending over backwards to make someone who’s dad had a sweet government job, who spent vacations, that’s plural so multiple vacations, in Europe, who’s mother could afford to be an artist is just a regular old poor person. Like

Parents.... must have been nice.

Yeah, nobody thinks they’re rich

Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.

I think two, but it might have been the same one and just moved. Besides the armory they were like the only small venues you could shows at growing up in a pretty shitty town. The extra confusing thing is they named it Club 21.

Hahahah, was it the one in the converted bank? The worst punk band in the world used to play there. Like Oi punk and the led singer would spit on the crowd a bunch but only on the smallest of children.

Gulf War syndrome was never linked to vaccines scientifically. Could just as likely be nerve gas or PTSD, stop spreading lies.

Final nail in the coffin of 45 ever being competent at anything. He was a business guy in the 80's he should know how to interact with Japanese nationals, he doesn’t so he has shit for brains.

You have problems that make you look stupid, seriously learn how a conversation works moron

Sorry are you suggesting that ATVs are engineered to flip, or did you just want to argue about what low center of gravity means? I’m using it here to mean the vehicle has a wide wheel base for it’s height and it’s engine is central located. 

Recent MAT grad here no longer interested in working in education as of this morning. Not worth it if people vote like this.

They have a low center of gravity, if you’re operating it properly it shouldn’t flip, but a smaller driver still could fly off in a quick stop.

It’s so you don’t fly off and go under the wheels

Where you at cause Undressed was like one step above cable access?

Degrassi is great becasue it’s not afraid to just end on the shittiest notes and then leave the characters there.


Wyden is so great. Really makes me proud to live in Oregon.

Yes they were. The Democratic party questioned the hell out them and sever of the people said their e-mails were changed.