
We all knew Carver was a goner but it became sealed once his super secret hideout turned out to be the room Eva was using in Mirrorverse as her base. Of course she knew it was there and they said any reflective surface was enough.

-Lex said “trust the process” twice and I’m wondering if there’s an angry 76ers fan on the writing staff.

My wife and I sat down to watch it and yeah, the trailer doesn’t do the show justice. It’s funny and ridiculous. Quite enjoyed it, and definitely looking forward to season 2!

It’s a surprisingly good show, surprising because the trailer for it is awful. I am happy that we are getting another season.

Dr Linda on Legends? Yes please! She’s my favourite on that show, and she’d have a ball dealing with the Legends. 

They have been cutting Gary too much slack, as overcompensation after they realized they were bullying him

Son of Sam’s dog is a nice surprise. And as a hellhound too? Makes sense.

The dog’s name (which I cannot spell) is a separate, specific mythological creature so the creativity and the amount of thought that went into this episode was incredible.

I have to disagree with Gary that him going into the trash compactor to retrieve the rings makes up for adopting a hell hound & crippling the ship & nearly getting everyone murdered

Having the Son of Sam’s dog as the villain of the week is one of the most tasteless, funniest, and most unexpected things they have ever pulled off. Having it tie in to Ava’s serial killer podcast was next-level glorious. 

If it were Ray, the dog would try to tell him to murder, Ray would gently push back, they’d become best friends.

After the fourth pep-talk, the pattern revealed itself and it dawned on me, “Oh! So this is ‘The Pep-Talk Episode.’ They’re blowing out all the pep talks for the rest of the season.” Probably/Hopefully. Once I gave in to the Lords of Pep Talk, I didn’t find it as annoying. The episode title should have been “Pep Talk

- Barry loses speed power when he loses hope. His Speedforce is based on hope, so he needs to regain hope.
- Now there’s a new speed power. I wonder what that was.
- Was Godspeed attempting to steal his speed?
- It seems like the theme of this entire episode is people needing to find hope.
- Danielle and that pillow. So

Allegra wanted to visit Atlantis too, and Barry tricked her into staying and working with the team so that Nash Wells could get to try to bond with her more? Lame. Atlantis, man!

Exactly. This kind of criticism has been a constant in these reviews, but I really think asking for such things (while I get that it’s problematic the way they are secondary) is best left for a completely different show. This still is a show that is primarily focused from the POV of two characters (arguably,

I love the salute she gives Luke when he reprimands her for trying to take pictures in the Bat-cave.

What did anyone think about Mary’s Blouse Of A Thousand Zippers?

the little snort gesture she makes while convincing the mob daughter she’s there to treat people’s coke injuries!

She’s the best, isn’t she the best?

And here I was looking forward to discuss the ongoing awesomeness that is Mary Hamilton.