
Can we just have a Sister Agatha (pre-Dracula) spin-off already?

if Ollie is “dead” aka Spectre, then Diggle can become the Paragon of Will —> Green Latern?

omg. thank you. re: So Black Lightning is Lady Quark.

...He has incredible strength of will..*this* would have been a perfect Diggle/GL easter egg.

True - but she could qualify for wisdom or equality too?

yeah so about that? Is public knowledge that Clark KENT and Kara DANVERS are cousins? Legally they wouldn’t be. I mean their friend circle knows do they explain how their cousins anyway?

Jen reads comic books. She gets it.

Hmmmm I’m blame the Council of Wells for this one. Earth 1 Harry got bids and started the numbering system. Giving himself 1 of course.

Yup. It could have been a random B or C lister. Vixen (modern day). Jesse Quick.. A villian?

There also the running idea everyone thinks they’re on  Earth-1 until then meet another.



Exactly. But it kinda cool too because I’m actually waiting with bated breath for when Mary (eventually) finds out Kate is Batwoman puts two and two together and realizes that her mom would still be alive if Kate/Batwoman took out Alice earlier.

Been digging this theory as well. Skrull Natasha sacrificed herself because half of her people of gone too.

I’m so digging your Danny the Street theory. Now if only one or two Doom Patrollers could run into Donna and Dawn at Cadmus...

Yeah. Agreed. Iain Glenn’s stance as ‘Batman’ during the fight changed enough that I took noticed and saw the “Batman” Here’s my silly theory - if you don’t know Bruce is supposed to be Batman, Iain’s Bruce makes kinda makes sense.

Does Kelly know?


I’m going with literally ‘darkness’ as daughter of Nightshade and not necessarily evil. 

Yes. I was hoping for a Alex and Kara as kids caliber episode for Lena and Andrea. It was kinda there but super rushed.