Maybe he’s full of Wizard blood or something.
Maybe he’s full of Wizard blood or something.
Where did you find such a nice picture of Eric?
Since Mueller was running under the principle that accusing him of a crime as a servant of the justice department would be unfair, can he be called by the senate during an impeachment process and be asked the same question but then give his honest opinion?
I just got Origins from Humble Monthly and I’ve never played any AC games at all (except a demo of Black Flag). Is that a good place to jump in? I also own 3, and Unity.
Are you me? I badly want a new car but it is impossible to justify. I’m currently driving an ‘08 CRV with only 39,000 miles on it and I have a 6 mile work round trip. My next car should be an electric scooter with the lack of miles.
I don’t care to look, but I wonder what show is on Fox News at 9am?
Admittedly I live in South Winnipeg but I thought this was a common thing. Apparently only in Canada (and North Dakota).
Thanks for the replies. I too like weenie music. Who knew.
What’s weenie music? I’m too afraid to ask the googles.
After the disappointment that was Imperator:Rome I’m going to play some CK2 to scratch the Paradox itch.
Is this like a multplayer FTL?
The lede was buried. This is the bigger story.
This is the best “let’s remember some guys” ever.
Connaughton can dunk and Curry can’t. What a world we live in.
To be fair to the Celtics (which is a gross thing to say) the Bucks have been doing this to every team all year long. Even match until mid 3rd then they just take over.
Serious question though, if you had a shirt that said press secretary + tree + rope - some assembly required how big of a knot would they twist themselves into or would they not even bother?
We had dessert hummus for the first time a few weeks ago. There were two flavors, brownie batter and snickerdoodle. The brownie was a big hit. The mostly full container of snickerdoodle was thrown away yesterday. So kinda fab?
Now they need to do this for the word liar. I don’t want to see prevaricate ever again.
This is totally a fix right? It looks like a jab to the collar bone to me.