
Bread in 5 is just as good but the technique is a bit less fussy since you don’t have to deal with a heavy 450* pot. I found their books to be a gateway drug into baking bread. 

Sounds like regular old America to me.

Count Chocula and Frankenberry? Those guys got nothing on my man Milk and Honey.
-Tim Marchman, probably

I don’t think even LeBron can afford to play that game.

He’s worse than interacting with a brand.

This is part of Trump’s decades long con to prove how dangerous bone spurs really are. 

not if he’s a good boy

This list is so bad

I can’t wait for the inevitable gif where they replace his eyes with his anus mouth but this time it might be an upgrade.

EvenBaggierTrousers7? Rick is that you?

Hold my cigarette and watch this.

It’s funny because it’s true. I literally did the same thing then started scrolling down.

When Trump was running for president I asked the same question. If he was trying to tank so Hillary would win what would he do differently. This works exactly the same way right?

For Christmas I wanted peace on earth, goodwill towards men but fuck that. I want this to happen more than anything.

Whether or not it’s a foul is solely at the discretion of the ref.

99. Drew getting hit by a bus

This guy gets it

The way he released it and looked up was as if he thought it might fly away. Like he was releasing a dove. Even his little motion before he threw it was like he was about to perform a magic trick.

holy shit