57. Hit By a Bus
58. Hit By a Bus 2: Back in the Saddle
59. Sex Pervert
57. Hit By a Bus
58. Hit By a Bus 2: Back in the Saddle
59. Sex Pervert
I could have swore they spoke English in New Zealand. Learn something new everyday.
You forgot serial killer. But only if their middle name is Wayne.
I work with a lot of people from India and Central America and I instinctively went into my deep listening mode for non native speakers.
Looks fine to me
- Cecilia Giménez
Save scumming is key. Make a new save every time you are about to do anything significant. And every time you get sick. And every time someone looks at you funny. And every time you are in a regency. And every time an unlanded uncle gets the ambitious trait. Seriously save often, scum often. Reload when you fail and…
Jesus Christ this is what is wrong with America. How hard is it to turn your camera?
That’s some tantalizing meat info.
Where did you find such flattering pictures of Rudy?
More like off to the Cy-bar!
Thanks for the thorough and thoughtful reply. They should give you your own vertical.
If I were to try to get a non longboard that is easier to ride would you have any suggestions? I’m not trying to do any crazy tricks or anything. Just simple stuff. My work actually gives us money to buy fitness equipment so price really isn’t too much of a factor.
I’m no expert but was in pretty much the same boat as you. I never learned to ride a skateboard as a kid. Every attempt ended with me directly on my ass. However in high school and college I went snowboarding pretty much every weekend during the winter. Nothing crazy, just fun bombing the hills and hitting small…
Great story! When I was a kid I had some kinda clear red skateboard that was absolutely tiny by today’s standards. I never did learn to ride that thing. Fast forward 35! years later on a complete whim (thanks disposable income!) I decided to buy a longboard. I can’t do any tricks other than staying upright and going…
I noticed all the emails but that one were redacted. Was it there for comedic effect or because of...um other reasons.
I can’t go for that.
Ugh. All of them? In the last 10 or so years I’ve beat only 4 games and that was all this year due to the nerdiest new years resolution ever. To be fair I mainly play grand strategy games that you typically don’t “beat”.
These morans are proving the point that so many gun control advocates believe in. When confronted with something they don’t like their first reaction is to shoot it. Who buys a 1200$ cooler? Wait, who buys a 1200$ cooler and then shoots it? They only harmed themselves. What a bunch of rubes.
I’m not even exaggerating, but I’ve spent 1250 hours in the game and it finally just clicked for me in the last couple of weeks.
My suggestion is to play in the earliest start date you have (this is dependent on what dlc you have) as a count or Duke in Ireland. Have a goal for your play through. For Ireland the…
In my current game I’m playing as the Mande King of Mali who is Catholic and have sworn fealty to the Emperor of Hispania. I’m also secretly an unreformed pagan that worships Satan and has a strong claim on the entirety of France. Only in CK2 does any of this make sense.